
Abrupt Climate Change: How Will You Show Up During Humanity’s Final Hour?

Did you know that six out of seven species in the genus Homo have already gone extinct?  That leaves one species in the genus Homo that is still around (that’s our species, Homo sapiens).  *This is known as an “Extant” species, as opposed to an “Extinct” species.  Biology tells us that this cycle will continue and Homo sapiens will become extinct next.  Will sapiens be followed by the next Homo species, as has happened six times before?  I think yes, and actually we are already undergoing that transformation…

Homo sapiens is now being systematically transformed/replaced through a huge global genetic hybridization program, which is taking place covertly, as extraterrestrials (ETs) carry out abductions and breed millions of hybrid ET/humans who are already becoming the next species in the genus Homo (or perhaps it’s a new genus)!  Some researchers believe that 30% of humans have already been “replaced” by various stages of ET hybrids.  It’s a process…

We are thus apparently in the “final hour” of our existence, as a species… What now?

Six extinct Homo species, one extant species:
Homo habilis ~2.5-1.8 MYA (million years ago)
Homo georgicus ~1.8 MYA (million years ago)
Homo ergaster ~1.9-1.3 MYA (million years ago)
Homo erectus ~1.8 MYA-100,000 YA (yeas ago)
Homo heidelbergensis ~700,000-300,000 YA (yeas ago)
Homo neanderthalensis ~450,000 YA to 40,000 YA (yeas ago)
Homo sapiens: ~300,000 YA (yeas ago) to present

There are almost 8 billion humans (and human-like hybrids) now on planet Earth.  Homo sapiens (the only extant species in our genus) has been around for about 300,000 years, so it looks like our turn is over and we are becoming a new species, at the hands of ETs who are VERY different from us.  They are among us, and they are changing humanity into a very different hybrid species.  This can be called “planetary acquisition through creation of human-like hybrids”  Millions of humans have already been part of this hybridization, through ongoing global abductions, carried out by a huge work force of alien invaders.

David Jacobs: http://www.ufoabduction.com/
Guy McPherson: www.guymcpherson.com
What Next?:  www.onlyloveremains.org

A Different Perspective:
Inspired by Dr. Guy McPherson, three artists from differing cultures: Africa, New Zealand and the U.S. created a song and visual art piece, hoping to wake up the masses in the final hour. (Lyrics are pasted below)

Message from Afrizen about the lyrics:
“In my journey through the ‘DABDA’ stages of grieving, regarding my understanding and expectation of what is to come in terms of anthropomorphic climate change, this song expresses my time in the first A, Anger. With time and reflection I’ve made it through to the second A, Acceptance, and my position regarding my lyrics has changed. They made sense when my assumptions were 1. that humanity and nature are separate, 2. that humanity is ‘committing crimes’ against nature, and 3. that humanity will be punished for doing so.

My thinking now is that 1. I don’t see a fundamental distinction between our species and the rest of nature, and 2. humanity is behaving exactly in accordance with its evolved genetic imperatives to survive, thrive and multiply today, regardless of the consequences tomorrow.  I think my lyrics’ vitriolic theme and tone are misplaced and I suspect the song’s effect might possibly be to either foster or reinforce anger and bitterness in listeners. These are natural and appropriate emotions when first waking up to the predicament we are in (as I understand it) but, in my personal experience, anger and bitterness are unhelpful and detrimental, if not worked through and overcome. The upsides of this new perspective for me are greater compassion and tolerance for my fellows, greater peace of mind and general happiness. I can only wish the same for others who are going through this.”   -Afrizen song writer

Inspired by Dr. Guy McPherson, 3 artists from differing cultures (Africa, New Zealand and the U.S.) create a visual art piece in hope to wake up the masses to the final hour.

Nature Bats Last – Lyrics

Mother Nature, Mother Nature, she’s gonna getcha
Yeah she’s gonna getcha
Mother Nature, she’s gonna getcha, yeah she’s gonna get’cha
Gonna get’cha ya bet’cha
She bats last, and she’s comin’ out swingin’
She bats last, and she’s just about taken
All that she can take, Now it’s payback time
Mother (Nature) fuckers, It’s payback time

Spoken word with jam: Guy McPherson (guymcpherson.com)

She bats last and she’s comin’ out swingin’
She bats last and she’s just about taken
All that she can take, And it’s payback time Mother (Nature) fuckers
It’s payback time

For the strip-mined land, for the poisoned seas
For the acid rain, for another dead species
For GMO, for uranium ore
For screwing your kids for a few dollars more

Now it’s payback time Mother (Nature) fuckers
It’s payback time

“The living planet is about to make a comeback, and that’s really, really good news”

Video Credits:
Nature Bats Last: https://guymcpherson.com
AfriZen: Music: “Nature Bats Last” https://soundcloud.com/afrizen/nature…
Martin Cahill Graphic Art: Nature Bats Last
OrangeRay Creative Lab: Visual Art https://OrangeRay.com